

Poli is a boutique based on clothing that transforms. It’s important to mention the emphasis Poli puts on diversity and functionality. These qualities are what the clothing emulates.

The aim of the company is not only to cater to different sizes and genders but to have clothing that can change and be worn in different ways. Comfort is important and these clothes can be worn in any setting and look wonderful.


Poli is a brand I created in my Identity Design course during my studies at Keene State College. This class taught me how to create a brand from the ground up in one semester.

In my design program, we were assigned the infamous 21 Stages of Hell where even before we began designing, we had to do intense amounts of research. From mind maps to personas, nothing was left behind. This was a semester-long class, so there was a plethora of content created for these brand, these were just some of the featured pieces created.

Design Style

When creating the logo with Poli, I definitely went through dozens of iterations and ideations. Out of my own frustration, I decided to take things offline and draw my logo. That ended up being the best thing for the brand identity and it opened up how I wanted this brand to look.

The style combines a modern look with drawings and sketches from the Renaissance, particularly Da Vinci. I had just returned from studying abroad in Italy and I loved how craft was king, so I did a lot of working with my hands and then scanning things in digitally and overlaying them the designs. It took more time doing this but it definitely paid off!